Ben Carbine - Kulturnatta


The most brilliant country band in Northern Sweden and maybe in the entire country?
They mix covers of other bands and artists with their own original material.
It’s hard to stay still when they kick off with their energetic Honky Tonk!

Place: Guldtorget 
Time: 19:40 pm 

Kulturnatta in Skellefteå - Multiple stages, a variety of entertainment, and special offers in shops and restaurants. 
By combining culture, shopping, and dining, Kulturnatta will offer unique experiences for both new and long-time residents. It's a festive and inclusive evening that brings even more energy to the heart of Skellefteå. Don’t miss this autumn evening when Skellefteå comes alive with activity and one-of-a-kind experiences. 
Click here for more information about Kulturnatta in Skellefteå 2024

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