Dick Grubbström quintet with Ulrika Lundmark

DFC-Din Fest at Campus, Skellefteå

How many constellations Dick Grubbström had under the shadow of his wing over the years, no one has managed to add up or even guess.

Today, the quintet consists of:

Dick himself on piano, Tommy Forsell - bass, Torsten Andersson - drums, Jan-Erik "Sunke" Sundkvist - saxophones, Åke Östman - Guitar and of course the reliable Ulrika Lundmark - singer and entertainer.

As usual, the restaurant serves fine coffee, hearty sandwiches, sometimes a soup, coffee or tea, beer and wine for those who want it.

Public admission 12:15

More from DFC-Din Fest at Campus


Price information

125.- member, 175.- others

Youth free.

Membership can be redeemed at the entrance


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Laboratorgränd 11, Skellefteå