Qigong at Nordanå


Welcome to a try-on session with Qigong in beautiful Nordanåparken. Feel free to bring a friend!

Qigong is a form of exercise that is based on us performing slow movements while controlling our breathing, quieting our mind, and listening inwardly. This develops us as people, strengthens our health, improves the mobility of our body, and increases the body's internal energy flow, qi.

We meet up near Nyborgsgården.

In the event of thunder or torrential rain, training will be canceled.
No prior knowledge or registration is required.

In collaboration with Vuxenskolan.

29Jul 17:30 - 18:30
05Aug 17:30 - 18:30

Contact information

Contact: Monica Tjerngren
Phone: +46-705651565

Organizer: Föreningen Norr-Chi

E-mail: monica.tjerngren@gmail.com

Price information

No cost, and no registration.