
URSVIKEN, Skellefteå

One of the summer's most fun-filled entertainment is in Furunäs, just ten minutes outside Skellefteå. There is the Skellefteå karting arena, which is a perfect place to decide who can really perform the family's fastest lap times.

For opening hours and Drop in see www.kartway.se

Contact us if you have any questions or reservations.

Opening hours in 2024:
Booking for Grand Prix and Le Mans opens May 20th.
Dropin from Midsummer Day June 22th to August 11th at 12.00-20.00 every day except Monday when they close at 18.00.

From August 12th bookings only.

Contact information

Motorbacken 1, 93237 Ursviken
Contact: Fredrik Melander
Phone: +46-706992900
Mobile: +46-706992900

E-mail: info@kartway.se
Website: www.kartway.se

Opening hours



Skellefteå Motorsällskap owns Skellefteå Karting Arena and from this season has leased out the charter business to Kartway in Piteå. the business will have 15 new maps and 2 double maps and will run in the same direction as Skellefteå Motorsällskap.


|Translated by Google translation|
Mobacken 1, 93237 Ursviken