Bäckfjärden has an inner archipelago that consists of many islands and skerries. The bay is very rich in species of aquatic plants. An area in the bay is part of the Natura 2000 network and is extra important to protect and preserve. At Bergskäret, ships were built for the merchant navy at the end of the 18th century.
Risböle village had their summer cottages out on Storön and they went there with the cows for autumn grazing. In the village Bäckån, Risböle summer pasture trail begins, which is a 9 km long hiking trail. It runs through the forest and along the sea and beach and ends at Risböle summer pasture. On the way to the summer cottage, you can take the opportunity to take a dip when you pass the beach in Storsand, where there is a windbreak and dry toilet.
As the name suggests, Kalashällan in Bäckfjärden is a popular excursion destination for boating, there is a barbecue area, dry dock, and guest piers. Everything from services to classic Swedish midsummer celebrations has been held here.
In Kolgrundet there is a small marina and remains from an old sawmill site.