931 31 Skellefteå
Phone: +46-910452510
E-mail: info@visitskelleftea.se
Gärdefjärden is an important resting place for birds during the spring and autumn migration. Hundreds of swans, swimming ducks and diving ducks rest in the early open wakes. The most common are mallards, american wigeons, teals, tufted ducks and common goldeneye, but rarer species such as northern pintail and smew are also quite common.
Many geese and cranes often graze in the fields next to the lake. There are also plenty of European Golden Plovers, ruffs, redshanks and curlew in the reserve. Western Marsh Harrier and osprey regularly hunt over the bay. Mallard, Common Goldeneye, teal and tuffted ducks nest in Gärdefjärden, as well as rarer species such as little gull, Red-necked Grebe and Short-eared Owl. Rarities such as Common Pochards and Lesser Spotted Woodpecker are occasionally seen.
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