Vitbergens Nature Reserve
Kalvträsk, Skellefteå
The Vitbergen nature reserve consists of a fairly hilly and elevated mountain plateau at 350–490 m.a.s.l. Vitbergen is located five km southwest of Kalvträsk in Skellefteå municipality and is one of the county's larger contiguous primeval forest-like areas below the mountain range. With its wilderness character and size, the White Mountains are a very valuable area from a recreational and conservation point of view. It is easily accessible to visitors, mainly during the bare ground period, and is reached from the north via the road that runs from the village of Kalvträsk. Kalvträsk's village association works to make the reserve more visitor-friendly, and has partly renovated the old fire tower that is on one of the mountains in the reserve and also made a windbreak and hiking trails up to the top.
Vitbergen also has a rich birdlife, primarily forest birds, and it is therefore included in Natura 2000 both as a pSCI area according to the habitat directive and as a SPA area according to the bird directive. Vitbergen was deposed as a nature reserve in 1994. Within the reserve there is an 18 meter high fire tower which today is managed by the Kalvträsk village association and is owned by the Fortifications Agency (defence). The tower was built in 1940 as a fire and air traffic control, the tower was restored in the 90s.